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NEW UPDATE AVAILABLE FOR ZaapTV HD709/609/X and MaaxTV LN6000. If you need help with this Update, go to either our Facebook Page or our Youtube Channel

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Or Call 03 90055401
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Welcome to Globe TV

We are one of the largest providers of Arabic, Greek and Turkish TV  in Australia and New Zealand. Globe TV is the Official and only Authorised distributor for some of the best Internet receivers in the World. It is the home for ZAAPTV, MAAXTV and ARAABTV. 

Globe TV is an organisation that provides you with a variety of different IPTV receiver options in which will allow you to view a wide variety of web channels from around the Globe. The TV channels are provided to you through the internet network rather than using the traditional Satellite service.

Globe TV is the only Official Authorised company  in Australia that can provide you with a warranty for ZAAPTV – MAAXTV & ARAABTV  IPTV receivers.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][mk_custom_box padding_vertical=”20″ margin_bottom=”0″ min_height=”70″ bg_color=”#012131″ bg_position=”left top” bg_repeat=”repeat” bg_stretch=”false”][vc_column_text]

Why Should I Purchase
from Globe TV

Our IPTV products do not have any ongoing costs for the life of the subscription and no satellite dish is required. We are able to provide you with most of your favourite homeland channels through one of our many products. As the Official Distributor in Australia, purchasing your product from us means you will be covered by a 12 Month Warranty. Call us to find out more or visit our office for a Live Demonstration.
