Streaming problems? Hotspot your ZAAPTV Device to your Mobile Phone

GlobeTV - Android and iOS Setup Instructions for Wi-Fi Hotspot and TetheringGlobeTV - Android and iOS Setup Instructions for Wi-Fi Hotspot and Tethering

If you are experiencing streaming problems and don’t know if it is your Internet Provider or the ZAAPTV device which has a problem, then maybe you can try the following to help diagnose the problem:

Power cycle your ZAAPTV device and Modem/Router

Unplug the power to your Modem/Router Unplug the Power to your ZAAPTV device Re-connect the Power to your Modem/Router and wait 5 minutes for all the led lights to stop flashing Re-connect the power to your ZAAPTV device Check to see if you are still experiencing the same issues

Using your iPhone as a Modem (Hotspot)

  1. Open the Settings app, then select Mobile Data. See screenshots below.
  2. Tap Personal Hotspot and set Personal Hotspot to On, so the slide turns green
  3. If Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth are off, iOS will ask if you want to turn them back on
  4. Tap ‘Wi-Fi Password’ and enter a suitable password. You will need this password later.
  5. Now check the name of the hotspot listed under To Connect Using Wi-Fi

Using your Android Phone as a Modem (Hotspot)

  1. First, go into Settings > Network & Internet and look for Hotspot & tethering
  2. Check for variations like Tethering, Mobile Hotspot and Tethering & portable hotspot.
  3. Tap Hotspot & tethering and you should see options for USB tethering, Wi-Fi hotspot, and Bluetooth tethering. 
  4. Tap Wi-Fi hotspot > Hotspot name to add or edit the name.
  5. Tap Security to and choose WPA2 PSK. The other option is none, which isn’t advised.
  6. Tap Hotspot password to add or update the password.
  7. Press the Menu/House button on your Remote Control to go back to the Main Menu of your ZAAPTV device
  8. Select a Channel to see if it is streaming ok. You may have to restart your ZAAPTV device if it doesn’t play any channel.

Setting up your ZAAPTV to work with Wi-Fi

  1. Turn on your ZAAPTV device and wait for it to load
  2. From the Main Menu, select Settings and press ok
  3. Select Settings again and press ok
  4. Select Network and press ok
  5. Select Wi-Fi and then select the name of your iPhone or Android Wi-Fi Hotspot
  6. Type in your password, to connect to your iPhone or Android
  7. Press the Menu/House button on your Remote Control to go back to the Main Menu
  8. Select a Channel to see if it is streaming ok. You may have to restart your ZAAPTV device if it doesn’t play any channel.

If you need to Factory Reset device, please follow the instructions:

Following the Factory Reset, you will need to Authorise your device. If outside office hours, please complete the online form.

We will need your Customer Number (CUSTxxxx) and the 8 digit Authorisation Code:
