Ramadan 2018

30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim world

Ramadan 2018 is upon us. This year Ramadan begins Tuesday May 15th and ends June 14th 2018. It is a special time for the majority of our Customers and all Muslims alike throughout the world. We acknowledge the importance, respect and admire the dedication Muslims possess during this 30 day period of fasting, praying, the […]

What is Kodi and how do I install it?


What is Kodi? Kodi is an Application that allows you to stream and share content such as video, music and photos. This can be local content, which may include videos you have on your PC, network drives or your phone, as well as external content from Youtube and a wide variety of sources by using […]

Win Cash and Prizes!!!

GlobeTV Facebook Like - Click, Save and Win Prizes

Three ways to Save & Win with GlobeTV just in time for Ramadan. Just head over to our Facebook Page or click on the images below. Snap, Comment and Win https://www.facebook.com/ZAAPTV.OFFICI…/app/403834839671843/ Send us a photo with your favourite ZAAPTV product, Comment and Like any FB Post or Photo. Share it with all your FB Friends. […]

What can cause interference with WIFI?

GlobeTV - How to improve your Wi-Fi performance

Many things can interfere with your modem’s Wi-Fi signal and this can significantly affect the performance of your ZAAPTV device creating buffering and freezing problems whilst streaming your Favourite Greek or Arabic TV Channels. Interference is generally caused by other Bluetooth devices, cordless handsets, baby monitors, wireless security cameras (commonly 2.4GHz but increasingly 5GHz), all […]

HD609 Software Updates

ZAAPTV Software Upgrade - GlobeTV.com.au

13-03-18    ZAAPTV have released another Update which has fixed many issues such as over heating, audio and freezing. Please follow the instructions below: Before you begin: 1. Go to MY APPS and Select Update 2. Press OK to “Check for Updates”. * If an update is found you will need to Press OK  to download […]

Do I need to upgrade my modem?

GlobeTV - Slow Internet Speeds?

The title of this post is a question we all need to ask ourselves especially when technology is moving at a rapid pace. We are streaming more videos than ever from websites such as Youtube/Netflix/STAN, on Social sites 24/7, watching more TV from devices such as ZAAPTV products. But have we thought about the modem […]